
Sony PlayStation – 5 Things you need to do before Santa delivers your new PlayStation 5

Staycation with Aptus Broadband

Staycation in Ireland with Aptus Broadband Staycation in Ireland with Aptus Broadband this summer.  In a bid to support local Irish businesses and tourist destinations in Carlow, Kilkenny, Laois, Kildare, Tipperary, Wicklow and Wexford, Aptus Broadband have devised a list of family friendly tourist destination for you to visit this summer.  Working in accordance to […]

How To Help Your Posture As You Work From Home

As the way we work has changed, so has the tools we use and the space we sit in. At Aptus Broadband we have devised this FREE blog to help you correct your posture and adjust your sitting habits as you work from home. Although, there is not one single sitting method that will work […]

Aptus Broadband’s Guide to Setting up The Google Family Link App

Young child watching video on laptop

The Google Family Link App allows you to monitor your families digital habits and control what content your child or teenager accesses online. The Google Family Link App will allow you to: Set screen time limits Monitor your child or teenagers search habits Manage their apps Lock their device See their location Get age appropriate […]